Are Tech Giants In Silicon Valley Getting Too Powerful?

A Brave New World

There was a time in human history when a dog was mans best friend. We would go on walks with our dogs. play fetch with a Frisbee with our dogs, go hunting with our dogs, and even go on adventures with our dogs. You may still do these things with your animal friend but most Americans, especially Generation Z, have traded time with there lovable pet for more time with their smart devices.

To say that people have their heads in the sand would be a huge understatement for how people are constantly ignoring the enormous elephant in the room. We don't have to wait for artificial intelligence to take over the world because it already has. A technological revelation is happening as we speak and everyone on earth should be extremely concerned for the future. As we step forward into a brave new world there will be no turning back. And not one person will be able to say that they were not warned.

You've Been Warned

In late 2017 a man by the name of Chamath Palihapitiya revealed to the world that he felt "Tremendous Guilt" for the part he played in creating the biggest social network on the Internet...Facebook! Palihapitiya warned an audience at Stanford Graduate School of Business to take a "hard break" from social media. "I think we have created tools that are ripping apart the social fabric of how society works," he explained!

Palihapitiya's speech at Stanford may one day be seen as one of the last real dire warnings that the world would receive before the hostile AI takeover begun. Chamath Palihapitiya's speech was not only geared towards Facebook, he was referring to the online ecosystem as a whole. He goes on to say that

"You don't realize it but you're being programmed. It was unintentional. But now you gotta decide how much you're willing to give up, how much of your intellectual Independence."

When you really begin to ponder about the things that Chamath Palihapitiya said in his speech, every single one of his powerful statements should strike a bit fear in the hearts and minds of every person on the planet. Palihapitiya makes it very clear that

"It's not an American problem, its not about russian ads. This is a global problem."



If you take a step back and look at the world that we have created for ourselves you will begin to notice that we have already given up much our intellectual independence to technology. Reading from a physical book is becoming old fashioned. Why read when you can just listen to an audio book or watch a movie. In the world of emojis there is almost no need to learn how to spell. If there is no emoji for what you want to say then you can simply speak what your trying to say. Not mention every device has some form of auto-correct.

When most people around the world wake up in the morning, the first thing they do is grab their smart devices. When we need directions to our destinations we depend on our navigational systems, instead of reading a physical map. And soon we won't even have to drive because our vehicles will do the driving for us. Technology simply makes every bit of our lives easier but easy is not always a good thing. Right now we are totally crippling ourselves as well as future generations to come. Technology keeps getting smarter as we keep getting dumber!


Several recent studies completed by psychiatrists, neuroscientists, marketers and public health experts confirm that smartphones are causing real damage to our relationships but most importantly our minds. A man by the name of Justine Rosenstein told The Guardian in 2017 that he had taken several steps to eliminate social media distractions in his life, including limiting his time on Facebook and "banning himself from Snapchat."

"It is very common for humans to develop things with the best of intentions and for them to have unintended, negative consequences."

Cited from The Verge Rosenstein goes on to tell the Guardian that there's research that says it takes 23 minutes to get into a state of flow where you're actually doing deep thinking on something. Justine Rosenstein went on to tell the Guardian that:

"It's very rare to get 23 minutes of uninterrupted time, which means no one is in flow. Everyone is just skittering along the surface, and I think that's freaking tragic. These are our lives. These are our precious, finite, mortal little lives. The idea that we are spending them distracted, not accomplishing the thing that we're trying to do is just painful. It's crazy."

If you're wondering who Justin Rosenstein is and why his word should mean anything then wonder no more. Justine Rosenstein is the inventor of the like button. With such incredible and powerful statements coming from individuals like Chamath Palihapitiya and Justin Rosenstein, we should start to seriously ask ourselves one important question. Are we controlling technology or is technology controlling us? No drug addict or alcoholic likes to admit how serious their addiction to that substance or drink really is. Technology is a terrible drug and unfortunately most of the world is addicted to it, including myself.

Google Is The Plug

When it comes to substance abuse the addict is normally controlled by the supplier or drug dealer. When it comes to the internet and technology most of the suppliers that are now controlling the whole world comes from a place called Silicon Valley. These tech dealers know that we are addicts. They know that we are tech and internet junkies looking for our next heart, our next like, our next hit. They also know that because of our addiction, they have the power to fully control the minds of everyone on earth.

So who is the plug? Technically speaking major tech giants like Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft and Apple all play a major role in the distribution of addicting technology. But the company that we should be worried about the most is none other than Google. The power that this company has is incredibly scary. Google has the power to control what information you're allowed to see and the power to cover up what they don't want you to see. Google has the power to Thanos snap anyone or anything off the world wide web.



Just as many drug addicts come to know and trust their drug dealer, the world has come to know and trust Google. A druggy always wants top quality product and as paying consumers we expect the world wide web to always be at its best. We expect to log on to a fair and open internet. We expect to be given correct information from our Google searches not curated google biased information. We expect our news and public opinions on important topics to be more than one sided. We don't wish to be programmed by the mainstream narrative alone. We also don't want history to be censored and one sided.

Unfortunately, Google has done all of the things previously mentioned. They curated our news. They are now only promoting information that aligns with the ideology of the democrats. They are censoring and removing history. They are manipulating search results, They even traded their YouTube content creators for mainstream media or who whoever they deem to be an authoritative source of information. They have shadow banned thousands of channels. They have continuously lied to its users over and over again. Alphabet, Google, and YouTube can no longer be trusted. These companies are the biggest threat to our country, our freedom of speech, and our minds. The immoral practices that Google has participated in is borderline treasonous.

Google Plays The Trump Card

Many YouTube content creators knew about Googles unfair practices and have been calling out the company for its hypocrisy since 2016. When President Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election the people at Google lost their minds. Many of them were extremely devastated to say the least that Hillary Clinton somehow lost the election.

A leaked video from 2016 shows Googles co-founder Sergey Brin saying that the election was deeply offensive. Ruth Porat the chief financial officer of Alphabet Inc also expressed how upset she truly was that Donald Trump won the election. Shortly after Hillary Clinton lost the election content creators experienced the first Adpocalypse on the YouTube platform. Coincidence? I think not! The good people at google were upset and they wanted revenge. They never wanted to loose another election to the Republican party again! What was their solution? Censorship!

Since the 2016 elections Google and YouTube has drastically changed. Google is now censoring search results as well as burying sites and YouTube videos that they don't consider to be authoritative content. When it comes down to it nobody outside of the mainstream is consider authoritative content. And if you ask me it appears that Google and mainstream media corporations such as CNN and MSNBC are in bed with one another.

It really seems as if both Google and Mainstream media are constantly searching for reasons to silence the public. You have to truly wonder if Google is currently conditioning us for something more sinister. Something no company in the history of the world has every attempted. World domination! As crazy as it might sound this is no baseless conspiracy theory.

Project Veritas Goes Undercover

In late June of 2019 Project Veritas released a shocking report about Google which included a undercover video of a Senior Google Executive, a testimony from a Google insider, as well as leaked documents. If there was ever doubt that Google was intentionally censoring its users then this special report from Project Veritas should of cleared up any confusion.

Jen Gennai Head of Responsible Innovation at Google was caught on film basically admitting that Google plans to affect the outcome of the 2020 elections and "prevent" the next "Trump situation." Speaking to an undercover Project Veritas reporter Jen Gennai said:

"Elizabeth Warren is saying we should break up Google. And like, I love her but she's very misguided, like that will not make it better it will make it worse, because all these smaller companies who don't have the same resources that we do will be charged with preventing the next Trump situation, it's like a small company cannot do that."

Jen Gennai said some pretty disturbing things in this undercover footage. Gennai talks about how Google is training their algorithms to see if they can affect the outcome of a presidential election if 2016 was to happen again. Jen Gennai also said

"The reason we launched our A.I. principles is because people were not putting that line in the sand, that they were not saying what's fair and what's equitable so we're like, well we are a big company, we're going to say it."

A secret Google insider not only added context to the statements made by Jen Gennai but a Google informant leaked documents that elaborate on Machine Learning Fairness and the "algorithmic unfairness" that AI product intervention aims to solve.


Insider Blows Whistle

When Project Veritas interviewed the Google insider, he explained the impact of artificial intelligence and Machine Learning Fairness:

"They're going to redefine a reality based on what they think is fair and based upon what they want, and what and is part of their agenda."

The insider goes on to explain how YouTube demotes content from influencers like Dave Rubin and Tim Pool:

"What YouTube did is they changed the results of the recommendation engine. And so what the recommendation engine is it tries to do, is it tries to say, well, if you like A, then you're probably going to like B. So content that is similar to Dave Rubin or Time Pool, instead of listing Dave Rubin or Tim Pool as people that you might like, what they're doing is that they're trying to suggest different, different news outlets, for example, like CNN, or MSNBC, or these left leaning political outlets."

When it comes to this eerie report presented by Project Veritas it gives us only but a glimpse into the reality of how much power and control these tech companies in Silicon Valley actually have. For content creators this was nothing more than confirmation of something that they already knew. Most content creators on YouTube big and small agree that this isn't just an attack on conservative views but this is an attack on free speech online no matter what your political viewpoints are.

I can't help but to wonder if Donald Trump is only the excuse to eliminate free speech online. Could Google along with other tech giants be silencing the voices of everyday people for a more darker and sinister reason? Perhaps they know the world we will soon be stepping into will be so vastly different from anything ever seen or done, that they wan't to stop the resistance before it even begins.

A New Tech Order

In the near future we will soon be stepping into a world that we cannot turn back from. Artificial Intelligence will rule the planet. Everyone on earth will be locked inside a digital grid that no one can escape from. Currency will be digital and most people living at the time will be permanently merged with machine. This transhumanist future is already being called the next evolution of humankind.

Predictive Programming is being used in all forms of media in an effort to desensitize our children into accepting this reality. Many theorist around the world believe that this is the reason why we see so many movies and television shows that are about super heroes or artificial intelligence and in some cases we see both being used at the same time.

We live in a time when we find ourselves at a crossroads. We can continue to allow this tech revolution to evolve or we can fight against it now before its too late. Because our children are growing up in world that they never known without technology it's going to be extremely hard from them to resist or even understand the dangers of allowing technology to consume the planet. We're not just talking a about a world where AI is simply coexisting with humanity. We may be possibly heading into a world where humanity is fully enslaved by technology and its creators.

The Simpsons is a show that has an amazing track record of predicting future major world events. The Simpsons have predicted everything from auto correct, to smart watches, and even that Donald Trump would become the President of the United States of America. These few examples don't even begin to scratch the surface of the incredible things this show has predicted. Many people joke that the writers of the show have a time machine but theorist believe that Matt Groening's (The creator of The Simpsons) personal connection to the Freemasons is the reason why the show is so accurate at predicting major future world events.

As silly as it may sound this show may have already shown us the future of humanity if we are not careful. In episode 9 of the 23rd season of The Simpsons titled Holidays of Future Passed Lisa Simpson plugs herself into what is called the Ultranet. The ultranet is a system that is a clear descendant of the contemporary internet. It was developed sometime before 2041. This system allows people to "plug in," meaning they have a jack inserted on their neck in order to enter. At this time the user's body is unconscious for this moment.

In the Ultranet of the future Lisa accesses Google through a Google door. Noticing a Dr.Suess Google doodle over the Google door Lisa acknowledges the fact that it's Dr.Suess's birthday. After entering the Google door before Lisa accesses Google itself. She goes on to say that:

"Google, even though you've enslaved half the world, you're still a damn fine search engine,"

The future of this planet looks like something straight out of a sci-fi film. With the Internet of Things and 5G it seems as if there isn't anything we won't be able technologically achieve. We're already being plagued with new AI called "Deep Fakes" which can change real world environments in real time along with the appearance of a person and their voice. The consequences of allowing tech to freely evolve without implementing measures of security to protect people from harm will result in a tragic fate for human kind.

Scientist are already actively warning against the dangers of 5G and the Internet of Things while tech companies in Silicon Valley continue to ignore the ramifications of their actions. The more we accept technology and AI into our lives the more powerful these companies grow. While most of humanity envisions a world where technology is used for the greater good. We shouldn't be so naive to believe that companies like Google don't envision a future where they are more powerful than any government on the planet.

It is our job to ensure that these tech companies remain ethical, fair, and righteous. The moment these companies begin to impose on our God given human rights is the moment we've given these companies too much power and control. Some would argue, including myself, that the moment i'm speaking of is now!

Transitioning from a world of wearable technology into a world of merging with technology will be met with an obvious resistance. It is my personal belief that many organizations including the governments of the world are preparing for this resistance and have been for many years now. We are already being sold the lie that AI will save the planet. Many high level inventors and futurist such as Ray Kurzweil believe that a technological singularity will happen before the year 2045. A technological singularity is a hypothetical future point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unfathomable changes to human civilization.

The scary thing about this is the fact that people like Ray Kurzweil who happens to work for Google isn't running from singularity but instead they running towards it while dragging the rest of the world behind them. They want a world ruled by technology. They want a world where people can live forever via a digital world such as the Ultranet shown in The Simpsons or by becoming trans-human which is a human who has merged themselves with AI.

We should be very worried about the future of our planet. Not because of global warming, or natural disasters, not because gun violence in America is getting out of control. We should be worried because within the next 20 years we could be living in a technological nightmare. Merging with technology will be the biggest mistake humanity will ever make. With only a microchip implant a person, a government, an evil corporation, or AI itself could literally control your mind. My suggestion...If you don't believe in God you better start believing because at this point only The Most High can stop what is about to come.


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