Activity Feed

The Dot Connector posted photos
Oct 3
The Dot Connector posted a status
Oct 3
The Dot Connector updated their profile
Oct 3
The Dot Connector posted a status
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9
Oct 3
The Dot Connector posted a video
A concerned American citizen posted a video on X (formerly known as twitter) to blow the whistle on terrorist sleeper cells in Colorado that he allegedly heard from a Denver police officer at the Denver International Airport.
Oct 3
The Dot Connector published articles
Oct 3
The Dot Connector posted photos
Oct 2
The Dot Connector and Young P are now friends
Oct 2
The Dot Connector published an article
October 31st, a day known to many people as Halloween, is fast approaching. While the world will be celebrating the day of the dead by dressing up, trick or treating, and even attending halloween parties, there is an increasing number of Christians…
Oct 2
The Dot Connector updated their profile
Oct 2
The Dot Connector posted videos
Oct 2
The Dot Connector updated their profile photo
Oct 2
The Dot Connector posted a status
Oct 2
The Dot Connector created Urban Projects Society
Oct 2





March 3

Friends (1)