Is New Age Spirituality Really Satanic?

Is New Age Spirituality Really Satanic?

George Santayana a famous spanish philosopher once said "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." This is true and we have seen it happen over and over again in the history of planet earth, But I would like to use Santayana's qoute and change it into Those who cannot remember a great lie is a lie are condemned to believe the lie if told good enough.

 Let me first say that I myself have read, studied, and practiced many new age books, knowledge, and rituals and I can say without a doubt that the New Age Movement is very satanic. I went many years not believing or even knowing that what I was doing was Anti-God. In fact all it did was made me question God, question the Bible and really just destoryed my views and understanding of Jesus Christ.

With new age documentaries like Zeitgeist sweeping the internet and netflix most people don't even believe Jesus Christ ever exsisted, but the claims made in zeitgeist are completely wrong to the point that historians and even high satanist have denied the claims made in the documentaries. Of course they don't reach many people with the truth because the truth is constantly covered up. Below I have listed my top three reasons why I believe that the new age movement is satanic. I did this by using the letter L to represent the Lie of the New Age Movement, T to represent the Truth According to God and The Bible And E For My Explanation.


1L.We Are God

1T.Isaiah 43:10-11

10 “You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord,
“and my servant whom I have chosen,
so that you may know and believe me
and understand that I am he.
Before me no god was formed,
nor will there be one after me.
11 I, even I, am the Lord,
and apart from me there is no savior.

1E. New Agers believe that everybody on earth is God and that God is All. This Lie that we are so-called Gods is what gives these satanic people the belief for why evil acts of man is acceptable. All though new agers are not taught to see it in this way they are taught this which is a core belief of the satanic religion. In fact this lie was told to Adam and Eve when the serpent told them that if they ate from the tree they surley would be like God.


2L.It's Okay To Contact Spirits And Doing Magic

2T.1 Timothy 4:1


3L.There Are Many Paths To God

3T.John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, but through Me.”

3E.These words tell us several things. For one, Jesus is telling us that He is the way, the only way. He is not saying that He is one among many ways; He is saying that He is the one and only way. Therefore, Jesus Himself rejected the notion that all roads lead to God. There are many false ways, but only one true way. Its no secret that satanist believe do what thy wilt. That they will not be punished for the evil they do. All paths lead to being saved no matter what. This is the same teaching taught to new agers and satanist alike.

If these reason were not good enough for you then I hope you do more research on the topic so that you wont be fooled in believing a lie that has stuck around since almost the beginning of time. Below I have posted a video by The Vigilant Christian were he explains how even satanist say that new agers stole their evil satanic teachings.


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