The Secret Agenda to Censor History

The Secret Agenda to Censor History

One day we will wake up and we will ask ourselves what in the hell happened? Many of us will be missing the good old days when you could write a blog and freely express your thoughts and opinions. Were going to miss making videos on YouTube and Facebook talking about and doing the things we like. In the future content creators will no longer be able talk about gaming, movies, music, politics, conspiracy theories, or anything that doesn't fit the globalist agenda. Independent journalist will be fined or sent to prison if they continue to work.


Meanwhile, the American people along with everyone else on earth will be spoon fed a daily dose of CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and every other mainstream media station. It really seem as if there is a secret agenda to put an end to free speech online. YouTube has already started censoring and demonetizing their content creators that speak about historical events. We can no longer freely talk about September 11th 2001, Hurricane Katrina, The Holocaust, or even about how the CIA was doing mind control experiments on the american people. And if you think that you'll just express yourself via a Facebook status update or a comment on a YouTube video then think again!



If things continue as they currently are then we could possibly be looking at a future where comment sections are disabled and status updates are no longer allowed. Many content creators are perplexed by some of the changes that are coming to YouTube and its parent company Google. YouTube has announced that soon viewers will no longer be able to see an exact subscribe count on their favorite channels. Instead viewers will see a rounded number.

They also recently made the decision to soon stop everyone from seeing how many people disliked a video. Nobody truly knows how these decision will help independent content creators, but it sure would help the mainstream networks out once every independent content creator is purged from the platform. If nobody knows how many dislikes CNN will get after the purge is complete it sure does help them continue to look good in the eyes of the world. If no one can comment anything negative on a Fox News video then free thinkers will no longer be able to sway the public opinion on important topics.


I think everyone needs to start asking themselves the million dollar question. Is Google and other tech companies making these changes because they are really concerned about the youth and their ability to handle the harsh realities of the world? Is Google and Facebook truly concerned about how social media effects our mental health? Or are these tech companies slowly preparing the masses for a massive world wide dictatorial takeover?

The fact that these companies are now censoring people who talk about historical events online should be a major red flag. It's almost equivalent to removing history class from public schools or not allowing history teachers to talk about anything bad that has happened in history. Some schools have already started banning the book "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." Are our kids minds really so vulnerable that they can't handle the truth about history? I don't think so! I believe there is a secret agenda to control the minds of everyone on earth.


George Orwell once said “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” America seems to be self destructing. Some people believe that there is a "silent war" happening right here in the USA and the American People are being labeled as the terrorist by our own government. No matter what you believe will happen though its kind of hard to ignore the tale tell signs of what is soon coming.


It's a well known fact that the winners of war get to write the history. This is a war that the people cannot afford to lose. We can no longer afford to ignore the shocking changes the government and these corrupt politicians are making. We can no longer accept the banning of people from social platforms for simply expressing their thoughts, opinions, and feelings that the mainstream doesn't agree with. We have to make our voices heard before time runs out and its too late. With today's technology a government could make its citizens slaves without any hope of getting free. THINK...It ain't illegal yet!



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