Top 5 Reasons Why Halloween Is Satanic!

Top 5 Reasons Why Halloween Is Satanic!

October 31st, a day known to many people as Halloween, is fast approaching. While the world will be celebrating the day of the dead by dressing up, trick or treating, and even attending halloween parties, there is an increasing number of Christians who will refuse to take part in these wicked celebrations. These Christians believe that Halloween is 100% satanic and that no Follower of Christ should participate in any part of these evil festivities. But is Halloween actually as unholy as these Christians make it out to be? 

Other Christians would argue that there is absolutely nothing wrong with dressing your kids up as their favorite superhero. Growing pains star and the Star of the Christian film ‘Left Behind’ Kirk Camron even claims that early Christians would “dress up as the devil ghost and goblins, and witches precisely to make the point that those things were defeated and overthrown by Jesus Christ”! But here at Urban Projects we believe that without Halloween is Satanic and is probably a day that all Christians should avoid. 



When it comes to Halloween it doesn’t take the brightest person in the world to figure out that this Holiday glorifies many things that are considered satanic and evil in nature. But did you know that Halloween actually originated from a Celtic festival known as Samhain? The Celts would celebrate Samhain on exactly October 31st which represented Harvest time for them. For the ancient European Celtic folk Samhain was also the day that they believed the veil between the worlds of the living and dead was at its thinnest. Making it easy for spirits and fairies to enter into our reality. 

On the evening of October 31st many animals and even people would be sacrificed. This was done because the Celts believed that this would ensure that they would have a good harvest. This form of magic or witchcraft is exactly something a Christian should stay away from. Here on UPTV I created a Halloween Documentary that goes into a lot more details about the origins of All Hallows Eve. In this documentary I explain exactly how and why Christians today now celebrate Halloween.  Link will be in the description.


Witches & Warlocks

Samhain is not  just an ancient celebration as many of the rituals and spells performed by the Celts on October 31st are still being practiced by modern day witches and warlocks. For these witches and warlocks Samhain is considered a High and Holy Day. They believe that on October 31st darkness enters into our realm allowing for them to cast all kinds of curses and spells on the unsuspecting world. Anton LaVey the founder of the satanic church and author of The Satanic Bible declared that  “By dressing up, either by wearing a costume or coloring oneself for Halloween, is tantamount to worshipping the devil”.


Horror Movies

If there is one thing many families love to do all the way up until October 31st it's watch as many halloween shows and films as possible. It should be no surprise to any Christian that Halloween and horror are two genres that have the most hidden satanic symbolism in them. But just like Halloween many Followers of Christ are divided on the issue of whether it's okay to watch these films and shows or not.  

Some Christian believe that it’s just entertainment and has no effect on you spiritually. They explain that we are not given the spirit of fear therefore we should fear no evil no matter what form it takes. Other Christian not only believe that it's wrong to watch horror but that by doing so you are opening doors in your life spiritually to allow for demonic attacks. 



As mentioned earlier Anton Lavey declared dressing up or coloring yourself for Halloween is like worshipping the devil. In my opinion this is because many people Christians and Non Christians either choose to wear a costume that honors something demonic or even the devil himself. Many people while wearing the costumes even love to act the part of whatever they are. Spreading fear and terror to kids and adults alike. 


The Bible

While the bible itself doesn’t specifically address the issue of whether or not a Christian should celebrate Halloween, there are many verses in the scriptures that provide us with sound advice and clarity on this issue. Some Christians will attempt to call this a logical fallacy as they feel the meaning of Halloween has changed and they have no intentions to celebrate the origins of All Hallows Eve. I would have to disagree with them though as the meaning hasn't exactly changed it just simply evolved into what we know now as Halloween. Plus the bible makes it clear that we should have absolutely nothing to do with the works of darkness. 

Ephesians 5:11 says

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. 

Instead of enjoying the things of darkness we should be exposing them. But many Christians still dress up as evil creatures, witches, and warlocks as a way to celebrate the day of the dead. Many of them believe it's a good day and see no evil or harm in allowing their families and churches to participate.  But Isaiah chapter 5 :20 says

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

When it comes down to it there are indeed many bible verses that warn against celebrating evil and darkness like All Hallows Eve. But if the first two I shared didn't convince then perhaps this one will. In the third book of John 1:11 it says 

Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God.


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