
In the vast digital expanse, where voices from every corner of the world converge, the promise of freedom of speech is under siege. Legislative measures, corporate power, state surveillance, and commercial interests are silently eroding this fundamental right. The TikTok Ban Bill, Big Tech's control, the UK Article 13 bill, China's omnipresent surveillance system, and the influence of advertisers collectively threaten the free exchange of ideas. Adding to this perilous landscape is the rising tide of censorship against Christians, raising profound concerns about the future of online expression.


MIke G, Nita and Anedia S Reese joined Urban Projects Society
Oct 4
The Dot Connector posted photos
Oct 3
The Dot Connector posted a status
Oct 3
The Dot Connector updated their profile
Oct 3
The Dot Connector posted a status
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9
Oct 3
The Dot Connector posted a video
A concerned American citizen posted a video on X (formerly known as twitter) to blow the whistle on terrorist sleeper cells in Colorado that he allegedly heard from a Denver police officer at the Denver International Airport.
Oct 3
The Dot Connector published an article
A Brave New World

There was a time in human history when a dog was mans best friend. We would go on walks with our dogs. play fetch with a Frisbee with our dogs, go hunting with our dogs, and even go on adventures with our dogs. You may still do these things with your animal friend but most Americans, especially Generation Z, have traded time with there lovable pet for more time with their smart devices.
To say that people have their heads in the sand would be a huge understatement for how people are constantly ignoring the enormous elephant in the room. We don't have to wait for artificial intelligence to take over the world because it already has. A technological revelation is happening as we speak and everyone on earth should be extremely concerned for the future. As we step forward into a brave new world there will be no turning back. And not one person will be able to say that they were not warned.

You've Been Warned

In late 2017 a man by the name of Chamath…
Oct 3
The Dot Connector published an article
Many people have a very real fear or legitimate concern for the future of this planet and everyone on it. The future is always uncertain and disaster can strike at any moment. But no one knows fear like a God fearing person who has read Matthew 7:23 in the Holy Bible. Matthew 7:23 did more than just scare me Matthew 7:23 reminded me of one important fact about life. That death is actually your true birth.
When we die we don't just slip into a dark void of eternal sleep. Our souls do not instantly reincarnate into another life form. When you start to do some deep research on people who have had near death experiences. You begin to notice that many of these people who never met before eerily have almost the same type of near death experience. A large group of people who have had near death experiences claim that they either been to heaven or hell or both.


In Matthew 7:21-23 Jesus says Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but…
Oct 3


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